Adoration Chapel




Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is where we are filled up with the Spirit of Christ in the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. When we set time aside to adore Him, He will heal our hearts and multiply our efforts of forming intentional disciples of Jesus Christ. While I have your eyes, I want to acknowledge we have a vocation shortage for the priesthood and religious life. According to statistics that have been produced by the CARA (Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate) reports, the majority of vocations – men and women answering the call to priesthood and religious life have credited the source of their vocation to time spent in Perpetual Adoration. I would like to propose, just like our vocations to the priesthood and religious life have been attributed to time in Eucharistic Adoration, so too will the fruits of married life and other vocations be sustained by our time in Adoration. The greatest of all saints were formed in the presence of the Eucharist --- so too will future generations!

In Christ, Fr. Josh

What do we do in Adoration?



What is the purpose of an Adoration Chapel?
Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is a means of focusing our hearts and minds in prayer, with attention affixed on the Mystery of the Eucharistic presence of Christ. An Adoration Chapel will be a spiritual benefit to Our Lady of the Holy Rosary parish.

Where is Adoration Chapel located?
Our Adoration Chapel is located in the House of Prayer and Study building (previously called the Adult Education building) next to the Full of Grace Café.

Who will use the chapel?
Hopefully, every member of our parish will feel drawn to spending time in the Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.

When will you be able to pray in the Adoration Chapel?
The Adoration Chapel is accessible 24/7 to everyone by using the door code 1946*. The small doors on the tabernacle can be opened during your visit and closed when the chapel is unoccupied. Adorers can commit to an hour with our Lord by clicking on the signup button above. Hours for signup are available 7 days a week from 5:00 am - 10:00 pm (except during times of regularly scheduled Masses.) Everyone is welcome and encouraged to visit Jesus at any time, even if you are not able to commit to a scheduled time each week.

What is this?
With the Adoration Chapel being accessible by keypad entry 24 hours a day, it is the dream of many of you that our parish is united in Adoration before the Most Blessed Sacrament, during the day and throughout the night seven days a week. Ideally, Jesus should never be left alone and always have at least one adorer present. The chapel will have 24 hour video surveillance. Everyone is welcome to pray. Sometimes the thought of devoting a full hour can be overwhelming. Many are often hesitant to volunteer their time because they don’t know how to begin or what to say or do during their committed time. The beauty of Adoration is that it doesn’t make any difference how you begin – or end your prayer time in Adoration. And it doesn’t matter what you say, if you say anything at all. The Lord delights in you just being there with him. He just wants to spend time with you. All you have to do is show up! Spending an hour in prayerful Adoration bestows great blessings on us individually. The Adoration Chapel will provide a sanctuary of peace in our busy, hectic world. Your only requirement is to walk in, be still, and let your spirit open up to God. Everyone has his or her own style of prayer. Bibles, books, pamphlets, and rosaries will be provided for use while in the chapel. Please prayerfully consider devoting one hour a week as a committed adorer. 


Wanted: Someone to sit with the Lord and keep him company.


  For more information  contact  Wendy in the Parish Office at 647-5321