Family Resources
MOMS WHO PRAY MINISTRY "For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them."- Matthew 18:20
Join mothers of all ages as we come together in prayer for our children, grandchildren, and their schools. This ministry meets every Wednesday during PSR classes from 5:30-6:30pm in the Parish Center. Mothers are welcome to attend all or some of these on-campus meetings or use the folowing prayer sheets to form your own group. Our children are in need of your prayers and we encourage all to find a friend and begin praying for their safety, salvation, and future. It's never to early to start showering them with prayers.
Click here to go to daily devotional for the 40 Days for life.
Traveling Mary Statue & Rosary Devotion
"Love the Madonna and pray the rosary, for her rosary is the weapon against the evils of the world today."- St. Padre Pio
- Sign up for a week to host Our Lady in your home at this link -----> signupgenius
- Pick the statue up from Mass on Sunday
- Pray with the activities and resources provided
- Return Our Lady back to church by Saturday for the next family