August 27, 2023

Dear Parishioners,

This Monday, August 28, is the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington and the famous
keynote address entitled I Have a Dreamdelivered by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The historic
gathering drew some 250,000 people and played a major role in the passage of the Civil Rights
Act and the advancement of freedom and equality for all Americans.

Our country has come a long way since 1963 in terms of access to education, employment, and
political ofÞce for all our citizens, and yet as a society we still struggle with prejudice and igno-
rance. Crime, poverty, and other social ills can allow old stereotypes to persist and prevent our
growing together as one human family. Religious institutions are not immune to sinful and misbe-
gotten attitudes and so ongoing conversion is a necessity for Catholics and all people of faith.

We know from experience that true conversion involves both the mind and the heart. If we are to
grow in love and faith then we have to overcome erroneous beliefs and hardened hearts. We
have to take advantage of opportunities to associate with people who are different from us so
that we can discover our common humanity and expand our understanding and tolerance. We
also need to avoid reading and watching materials and videos which promote hatred and dis-

Since Catholics are the majority in this part of the state it would be nice if we took the lead in fur-
thering racial harmony. Doing so would help to create a much more loving environment for our
children and grandchildren to inherit. How I wish the Muslim majority in Arab countries would
take the lead in recognizing and protecting the rights of their Christian neighbors and country-
men. They seem to allow a few demagogues to hijack their religion for political power and gain.

On a lighter note, football season has Þnally arrived! The New Orleans Saints play the Houston
Texans in their Þnal preseason game on Sunday, August 27, at 7:00 p.m. St. Amant plays G.W.
Carver this coming Friday night at The Pit, and LSU opens its season against Florida State in the
Camping World Kickoff contest next Sunday, September 3, 2023, in Orlando, Florida.

As I mentioned previously, I decided not to travel to Florida for the LSU game but plan to get to-
gether with several priest friends for food and drink before watching the game on television. The
game is a virtual toss up with neither team favored to win by more than a point or two. Lets hope
the Tigers can set the tone for year two under head coach Brian Kelly with a victory over a top 10
opponent (and payback for last years loss).

Please be reminded that we have an important meeting for all 11th graders and their parents on
Thursday, August 31, at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Center to review preparation for the Sacrament
of ConÞrmation. We look forward to a grace-Þlled year celebrating the gifts of the Holy Spirit in
preparation for this beautiful sacrament.

In Christ,
Father Matt