Dear Parishioners,
Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, formerly
known as Corpus Christi. The feast began in the 13th century as a result of the devotion and
visions of St. Juliana of Liége. Within the very short time frame of just 35 years, Pope Urban
IV added the feast to the Church’s universal calendar in 1264.
A feast celebrating Christ’s gift of the Eucharist naturally calls to mind the Evening Mass of
the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday. However, the mood is quite different since Holy Thurs-
day also anticipates the suffering of Christ on Good Friday. By contrast, today’s feast falls in
the afterglow of the Easter season and the corresponding emphasis on the Risen Christ. How
blessed we are to be nourished by the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
I am in Amsterdam this weekend getting ready to board a Viking ship for a cruise up the
Rhine River through Germany, so please welcome Father Jon Koehler and Father Paul
Counce who have graciously agreed to celebrate the Masses for us. Deacon Michael will
lead a Communion Service at 5:45 p.m. on Tuesday, but the rest of the weekday Masses are
cancelled this week. Of course, you always have the option of attending a weekday Mass at
one of our neighboring parishes.
Father Joseph Arulraj, MSFS, is scheduled to visit our parish next weekend, June 17-18, to
make an appeal on behalf of the Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales also known as the
Fransalians. Their primary mission is the evangelization of communities in Asia, Africa, and
more recently South America. They also operate schools and orphanages for poor children
in these regions.
Father Joseph’s visit is coordinated by our Diocesan Propagation of the Faith OfÞce and pro-
vides an opportunity for us to support the pastoral ministry and missionary activity of the
Church. We will have a second collection at each of our Masses next weekend to beneÞt the
Fransalians and their missions. As always, please make your checks out to Holy Rosary
Church so we can count and deposit the collection, and then forward the proceeds to our
Propagation of the Faith OfÞce, who will then forward the money to the Fransalians.
We are hosting a dinner in the Full of Grace Café on Monday, June 12, to help send youth to
the Steubenville South Youth Conference. The menu includes pulled pork sandwiches with
chips and dessert, all for $10. The dinner begins at 6:00 p.m. and both dine-in and curbside
pickup are available.
Vacation Bible School is July 17-21 so be sure to mark your calendars and come enjoy a
week’s activities with classmates and friends. We need teachers and aides as well as partici-
pants, so all are invited to join us. Registration is available via our website, or you may call the
Religious Education OfÞce at 647-5321 for more information.
In Christ,
Father Matt
Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, formerly
known as Corpus Christi. The feast began in the 13th century as a result of the devotion and
visions of St. Juliana of Liége. Within the very short time frame of just 35 years, Pope Urban
IV added the feast to the Church’s universal calendar in 1264.
A feast celebrating Christ’s gift of the Eucharist naturally calls to mind the Evening Mass of
the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday. However, the mood is quite different since Holy Thurs-
day also anticipates the suffering of Christ on Good Friday. By contrast, today’s feast falls in
the afterglow of the Easter season and the corresponding emphasis on the Risen Christ. How
blessed we are to be nourished by the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
I am in Amsterdam this weekend getting ready to board a Viking ship for a cruise up the
Rhine River through Germany, so please welcome Father Jon Koehler and Father Paul
Counce who have graciously agreed to celebrate the Masses for us. Deacon Michael will
lead a Communion Service at 5:45 p.m. on Tuesday, but the rest of the weekday Masses are
cancelled this week. Of course, you always have the option of attending a weekday Mass at
one of our neighboring parishes.
Father Joseph Arulraj, MSFS, is scheduled to visit our parish next weekend, June 17-18, to
make an appeal on behalf of the Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales also known as the
Fransalians. Their primary mission is the evangelization of communities in Asia, Africa, and
more recently South America. They also operate schools and orphanages for poor children
in these regions.
Father Joseph’s visit is coordinated by our Diocesan Propagation of the Faith OfÞce and pro-
vides an opportunity for us to support the pastoral ministry and missionary activity of the
Church. We will have a second collection at each of our Masses next weekend to beneÞt the
Fransalians and their missions. As always, please make your checks out to Holy Rosary
Church so we can count and deposit the collection, and then forward the proceeds to our
Propagation of the Faith OfÞce, who will then forward the money to the Fransalians.
We are hosting a dinner in the Full of Grace Café on Monday, June 12, to help send youth to
the Steubenville South Youth Conference. The menu includes pulled pork sandwiches with
chips and dessert, all for $10. The dinner begins at 6:00 p.m. and both dine-in and curbside
pickup are available.
Vacation Bible School is July 17-21 so be sure to mark your calendars and come enjoy a
week’s activities with classmates and friends. We need teachers and aides as well as partici-
pants, so all are invited to join us. Registration is available via our website, or you may call the
Religious Education OfÞce at 647-5321 for more information.
In Christ,
Father Matt