Dear Parishioners,
I remind you that most dioceses in the United States, including all of those in Louisiana, have transferred the observance of the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord from this Thursday to next Sunday. The prayers and readings for the Ascension replace those of the 7th Sunday of Easter. This was done for pastoral reasons in the hope that more Catholics would be able to celebrate this wonderful dimension of the Easter mystery.
We have designated next Sunday, the Solemnity of the Ascension, as Stewardship of Ministry Commitment Sunday, a time to say yes to God’s call to share our talents with the Church and community. This was previously an annual event in most parishes but stopped for the last several years due to COVID and other interruptions to parish life.
The best way to experience closeness to God is through deeper involvement in the lives of those around us. A diverse collection of individuals and families can only start feeling like a community once its members decide to give of themselves in service to one another. Ministry is both life-giving and contagious. It forms us into the community of the Church and binds us in love with the spirit of the risen Christ.
Do you wish to make a good marriage even stronger? Then please consider serving as a sponsor couple to help engaged couples prepare for their sacrament. Engaged couples complete an online questionnaire as part of their preparation and then meet with a married couple to review the results. You could serve as one of those couples to share your wisdom and experience with those just starting out.
Do you wish to make Sunday worship more interesting and receive more from your attendance at Mass? Then how about volunteering to serve in a liturgical ministry like lector, Eucharistic Minister, usher, or choir? Or how about volunteering to help lead Children’s Church at the 11:00 Mass on Sunday mornings? Your participation could be just what we need in order to make our liturgies more meaningful for everyone.
We need catechists to help pass on the faith to our children, Eucharistic Ministers to visit the homebound, Bereavement volunteers to prepare food for families following a funeral, volunteers to help staff the café and gift shop, and workers to help with annual events such as the fair and Vacation Bible School.
There are also ministries which operate behind the scenes such as washing the altar linens, watering the plants in and around the church, and decorating the church for each liturgical season. And then there are all of you who so faithfully participate in the Prayer Line and offer daily prayers for the special needs of our parish and the world.
Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers, grandmothers, and godmothers in the parish. Your love and devotion is an inspiration to all of us and an example of Christ’s unconditional love for the Church. Be assured of our prayers and gratitude on this special day!
In Christ,
Father Matt
I remind you that most dioceses in the United States, including all of those in Louisiana, have transferred the observance of the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord from this Thursday to next Sunday. The prayers and readings for the Ascension replace those of the 7th Sunday of Easter. This was done for pastoral reasons in the hope that more Catholics would be able to celebrate this wonderful dimension of the Easter mystery.
We have designated next Sunday, the Solemnity of the Ascension, as Stewardship of Ministry Commitment Sunday, a time to say yes to God’s call to share our talents with the Church and community. This was previously an annual event in most parishes but stopped for the last several years due to COVID and other interruptions to parish life.
The best way to experience closeness to God is through deeper involvement in the lives of those around us. A diverse collection of individuals and families can only start feeling like a community once its members decide to give of themselves in service to one another. Ministry is both life-giving and contagious. It forms us into the community of the Church and binds us in love with the spirit of the risen Christ.
Do you wish to make a good marriage even stronger? Then please consider serving as a sponsor couple to help engaged couples prepare for their sacrament. Engaged couples complete an online questionnaire as part of their preparation and then meet with a married couple to review the results. You could serve as one of those couples to share your wisdom and experience with those just starting out.
Do you wish to make Sunday worship more interesting and receive more from your attendance at Mass? Then how about volunteering to serve in a liturgical ministry like lector, Eucharistic Minister, usher, or choir? Or how about volunteering to help lead Children’s Church at the 11:00 Mass on Sunday mornings? Your participation could be just what we need in order to make our liturgies more meaningful for everyone.
We need catechists to help pass on the faith to our children, Eucharistic Ministers to visit the homebound, Bereavement volunteers to prepare food for families following a funeral, volunteers to help staff the café and gift shop, and workers to help with annual events such as the fair and Vacation Bible School.
There are also ministries which operate behind the scenes such as washing the altar linens, watering the plants in and around the church, and decorating the church for each liturgical season. And then there are all of you who so faithfully participate in the Prayer Line and offer daily prayers for the special needs of our parish and the world.
Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers, grandmothers, and godmothers in the parish. Your love and devotion is an inspiration to all of us and an example of Christ’s unconditional love for the Church. Be assured of our prayers and gratitude on this special day!
In Christ,
Father Matt