Dear Parishioners,
Today is the Solemnity of Pentecost and the beginning of the Church through the outpouring of
the Holy Spirit. We might think of Pentecost as setting a seal on our 50-day celebration of Easter.
Of course the Holy Spirit is continually at work every day, in every place, and not just on this
feast day. The same spirit that descended on the Apostles at Pentecost also Þlled Mary at the
Annunciation and guided the preaching of John the Baptist. The Holy Spirit continues to be pre-
sent at every baptism and every celebration of the Eucharist.
After the last Mass on Pentecost Sunday, the Paschal candle will be brought from the sanctuary
to its usual place near the baptismal font. It will be lit for every baptism as well as for every funer-
al throughout the coming year.
We rejoice that our local Church now has two more priests to celebrate Mass and the sacra-
ments for the people of our Diocese. Father Albert Blount will be assigned to St. John Church in
Prairieville, and Father Joseph Bresowar to Immaculate Conception Church in Denham Springs
beginning July 1.
Father Bresowar, at 27 years old, inherits the mantle of youngest diocesan priest from Father
Mathew Dunn who is 28 years old. The oldest priest is Father Jules Brunet, age 92, and now liv-
ing with his brother, Father Fred Brunet, at their home in Thibodaux.
Thanks to everyone who signed up for a ministry last weekend. If you were absent last Sunday,
you are invited to sign-up for a new ministry or perhaps return to a ministry that you previously
enjoyed via our parish website. It is not necessary to sign-up for a ministry in which you are cur-
rently active.
Vacation Bible School is July 17-21 so be sure to mark your calendars and come enjoy a week’s
activities with classmates and friends. We need teachers and aides as well as participants, so all
are invited to join us. Registration is available via our website or you may call the Religious Edu-
cation OfÞce at 647-5321 for more information.
I am baptizing a great niece and a great nephew next Saturday in Metairie, so Father Paul
Counce has graciously agreed to hear confessions and celebrate Mass next Saturday, June 3.
This Wednesday, May 31, is the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the 37th
anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood. I was ordained together with Father Eric Gyan
and Father Louis Oubre on this date in 1986.
Our parish ofÞce will be closed on Monday in honor of Memorial Day, a day to remember all of
the men and women who died while serving in our country’s armed forces. We offer special
prayers for all of our parishioners and family members who died in service to our country.
In Christ,
Father Matt
Today is the Solemnity of Pentecost and the beginning of the Church through the outpouring of
the Holy Spirit. We might think of Pentecost as setting a seal on our 50-day celebration of Easter.
Of course the Holy Spirit is continually at work every day, in every place, and not just on this
feast day. The same spirit that descended on the Apostles at Pentecost also Þlled Mary at the
Annunciation and guided the preaching of John the Baptist. The Holy Spirit continues to be pre-
sent at every baptism and every celebration of the Eucharist.
After the last Mass on Pentecost Sunday, the Paschal candle will be brought from the sanctuary
to its usual place near the baptismal font. It will be lit for every baptism as well as for every funer-
al throughout the coming year.
We rejoice that our local Church now has two more priests to celebrate Mass and the sacra-
ments for the people of our Diocese. Father Albert Blount will be assigned to St. John Church in
Prairieville, and Father Joseph Bresowar to Immaculate Conception Church in Denham Springs
beginning July 1.
Father Bresowar, at 27 years old, inherits the mantle of youngest diocesan priest from Father
Mathew Dunn who is 28 years old. The oldest priest is Father Jules Brunet, age 92, and now liv-
ing with his brother, Father Fred Brunet, at their home in Thibodaux.
Thanks to everyone who signed up for a ministry last weekend. If you were absent last Sunday,
you are invited to sign-up for a new ministry or perhaps return to a ministry that you previously
enjoyed via our parish website. It is not necessary to sign-up for a ministry in which you are cur-
rently active.
Vacation Bible School is July 17-21 so be sure to mark your calendars and come enjoy a week’s
activities with classmates and friends. We need teachers and aides as well as participants, so all
are invited to join us. Registration is available via our website or you may call the Religious Edu-
cation OfÞce at 647-5321 for more information.
I am baptizing a great niece and a great nephew next Saturday in Metairie, so Father Paul
Counce has graciously agreed to hear confessions and celebrate Mass next Saturday, June 3.
This Wednesday, May 31, is the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the 37th
anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood. I was ordained together with Father Eric Gyan
and Father Louis Oubre on this date in 1986.
Our parish ofÞce will be closed on Monday in honor of Memorial Day, a day to remember all of
the men and women who died while serving in our country’s armed forces. We offer special
prayers for all of our parishioners and family members who died in service to our country.
In Christ,
Father Matt