Ministry Descriptions

Liturgical-CONTACT:  Parish Office, 647-5321

Music Ministry-Our music ministry is open to anyone interested in playing or singing at weekend masses, adoration, and other events.  

Children's Choir meetings are held every Wednesday at 5:30pm each week. This group sings once a month at 9am mass.

Vocalists and musicians are welcome at 4pm on Saturdays and 9 & 11am on Sundays. Our choirs are open to all ages and talent levels. Join us for rehearsal every Wednesday at 6:30.  

For more information, you may contact the Director, Sherrie Anderson-Houpy,  at visit us in the choir loft.    

Linens-Requires used linens to be taken home to be cleaned and ironed after the weekend Masses. Scheduled on a rotating basis.  CONTACT:  Dana Clouatre, 225-978-7663

Sacristan-Clean and purify the sacred vessels used at Mass and prepare the sanctuary for the next Mass scheduled on a rotating basis. 

Altar Server-Assists the priest at liturgical celebrations.  Training is provided for new servers.  Open to youth 4th grade and up, scheduled on a rotating basis.

Adult Altar Server-Assists the pastor during funerals or weekday Masses as needed. 

Weekend Lector-Proclaim the Word of God and lead the assembly in prayer at liturgical celebrations.  Training is provided for new lectors.  Scheduled on a rotating basis. 

*To lector for weekday Masses Contact Wendy Enloe, 647-3696 or

Usher-For men and women, ages 16 and older, who serve as ministers of hospitality at liturgical celebrations, greeting people, assisting with seating parishioners, receiving offerings, etc. Serves at Mass as scheduled on a rotating basis. 

Greeters: Families and individuals can schedule themselves at the Mass of their choice. Usually scheduled once a month. Duties include arriving 20 to 30 minutes prior to weekend Mass to greet everyone with a smile! 

Eucharistic Minister Host/Chalice-Scheduled on a rotating basis. 

 Homebound Eucharistic Minister-Bring the Eucharist to residents. 

 Children’s Church Volunteer-Serves on a rotating basis at 11:00am Mass. Child Protection Paperwork is required. 


Spiritual Life and Adult Formation-CONTACT: Wendy Enloe or the Parish Office, 647-5321

Small Faith Group-Groups meet for different bible studies throughout the year. To find a group or start your own. 

Parish Prayer Line-Prayer line volunteers are called to pray at home for the special intentions of the community. 

Devotional Committee-Gathers before scheduled masses and funerals to recite the rosary. 

Adoration - Adorer/Substitute-Adorers are asked to give one hour each week in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. The chapel is in the House of Prayer and Study building (located to the right of the Full of Grace Café) and is accessible 24/7 by using the door code 1939*.  Scheduled adorer hours begin at 5:00 am until 10:00 pm daily. 

Men of the Cross-Through fellowship our mission is to help men of our parish to enrich their Catholic faith and their walk with our Brother Jesus Christ.  Through this mission, we will have a better connection with our Church, family, community, and an unbreakable bond with our Brother Jesus Christ. 

Catholic Charismatic Renewal-CCR-CCR Prayer Meeting on the third Thursday of every month and is open to all men and women of faith. The Rosary at 6:30 PM, Prayer Meeting at 7:00 PM. Come experience Praise & Worship, Scripture Teaching, and Prayers of Healing. 

Men's Coffee with Christ-Men's Coffee with Christ group meets every Friday from 6:00- 7:00 am in the Full of Grace Cafe' to discuss the Word of God and enjoy fellowship and support of one another. No sign-up is necessary.

Women and the Word-Women and the Word meet every Wednesday morning from  6:30 - 7:30 am in the Full of Grace Cafe. The group reads and discusses the daily scripture readings and enjoys fellowship and support one another. No sign-up is necessary.

Come Lord Jesus Member-Come Lord Jesus small groups meet weekly to pray, study, and discuss the upcoming Sunday gospel readings. The groups follow the Come Lord Jesus meeting format. Meetings are 90 minutes and groups meet in their homes, on campus, or online using Zoom. To find a group or start your own.

Community Life 

Knights of Columbus-A national, Catholic, fraternal organization dedicated to promoting the ideas of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. They strive to give a public witness of faith through their service to the needy, sick, youth, elderly, and one another. Commitment:  Monthly meetings on the first Wednesday of the month. Men 18 years or older are welcome.  CONTACT:  Randy Delatte,

KC Auxiliary-Assist the Knights of Columbus to promote good fellowship through religious and social activities with meetings once a month.  Those eligible: Wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, and widows of members of the Knights of Columbus.  CONTACT: Stephanie Ducote,

Catholic Daughters-Catholic Daughters of the Americas engage in creative and spiritual programs that embrace the principle of faith working through love to promote justice, equality, and the advancement of human rights and dignity for all.  Meetings are the first Thursday of the month at 6:30pm.  Women 18 years or older.  CONTACT:  Connie Braud, 907-5564,

Jr Catholic Daughter-Open to any young girl ages 5-17 who is interested in helping the community through service oriented volunteer opportunities, which include Senior Citizen’s Dinner, Easter baskets for Woman’s Shelter, holiday crafts at Nursing Home, and many more. Commitment: Days/Times vary with event and Child Protection Paperwork is required for adult volunteers. CONTACT: Becky Shillings, 921-1853,

Social Committee-Provides assistance to the Church ministries by preparing and/or serving refreshments, finger foods, & drinks for Parish receptions and celebrations. CONTACT: Edith Powers, 715-6188

Fair Committee-The La Fête ministry plans and executes a 4-day festival, which takes place annually the last weekend in October. CONTACT: Eve Frederic or Justin Morgan,

Maintenance Committee-Individuals with talents and abilities to provide maintenance to areas around the Church campus. CONTACT: Duane Miller, 647-5321

Plant Watering Ministry-If you are interested in watering and caring for the plants in The Rosary Garden & The Holy Family Courtyard, please call the office, 647-5321

Cemetery Board-Assist the Parish Office with management and preservation of the Holy Rosary Cemetery.


Sacraments-Contact Wendy Enloe in the Religious Education Office, 647-3696 

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) & Children (RCIC)

           Team Members: Assist with hospitality, communication, or presentation of topics for the process. Training required.

           Sponsors: Accompany and support those interested in becoming fully initiated in the Catholic Church.

           Participant: Sessions are held on Wednesday 6:30 - 8:00 pm from September thru May for anyone interested in the Catholic faith.

Adult Confirmation-Sessions held each spring for 6 weeks on Sunday mornings to prepare adult baptized Catholics in need of Confirmation. 


Youth Education-CONTACT:  Jamie Lambert or Alva Childress in the Religious Education Office, 647-3696 

Religious Education is provided to children in grades 1-11 and their parents.  Our Catholic beliefs and practices are presented to children in an environment in which they may experience God’s love, mercy, and forgiveness in order to live in a loving, intentional relationship with Jesus and follow as his disciple. 

Elementary Catechist/Assistant/Substitute-Teaches students about Jesus Christ, the Catholic faith, and the meaning of Christian discipleship. Classes meet Mondays & Tuesdays.

Middle School-Teaches students about Jesus Christ, the Catholic faith, and the meaning of Christian discipleship. Classes meet on Tuesdays.

High School Catechist/Assistant/Substitute-Teaches students about Jesus Christ, the Catholic faith, and the meaning of Christian discipleship. Meet on Mondays.

Office Assistant- Assist the Director in the office during class sessions.

High School Retreat Host-Attends a one-day retreat at Holy Rosary with students, serving as an adult chaperone and helping during lunch.

Religious Education-Safety Team-Greets students and volunteers at the covered drop-off area and assists them in getting into the building safely and/or interacts with them inside while they await classes to begin; scheduled on a rotating basis during the session day/time of your choice.

Religious Education-Babysitter-Sits with the younger children of our catechists during Religious Education session.                                                           

Religious Education-Hospitality-Organizes or serves for various Religious Education workshops and dinners throughout the year.

2nd Grade Sacramental Prep-Helps coordinate activities for First Reconciliation & First Eucharist

Vacation Bible School Volunteer (VBS)-Provides children, kindergarten thru 5th grade, with an opportunity to learn more about God and their own parish community while enjoying fun-filled activities. Volunteers  assist VBS Coordinator in areas of arts and crafts, snacks, games, and group leaders. One week in the summer from 9:00am-12:15pm Monday-Friday.

5th Quarter-Gathering for the youth after St. Amant Home Football games at Holy Rosary.


Services and Outreach 

Full of Grace Cafe': Hot meals prepared on served on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, diaper bank, free haircuts, tax preparation, and other services to the community. CONTACT: Rani James, 647-7116,

Food Pantry Volunteer-Weekly distribution of food baskets for those with circumstantial needs. CONTACT: Susan Haydel, 225-647-1802,

Christmas food and gift baskets - Collects and distributes food and gifts to the needy in our community for Christmas. CONTACT: Val Lessard, 225-571-0501 or Cindy Frederic, 225-390-0102

Bereavement Committee-Contributes to preparing a meal for the family of registered deceased persons after the funeral. CONTACT: Betty Cupit, 225-229-4031

Bereaved Service Crew-Setup, serve, and clean up the Parish Center for bereavement meals. CONTACT: Karen “Tootie” Lambert, 225-715-4186